We left the Riverview RV Park and stopped at Creamer's Migratory Field to see if we could see any of the Sandhill Cranes or other wildlife that may be passing through the area.
Creamer's Field |
Sandhill Cranes |
After we viewed the sandhill cranes we headed out to visit our friends Dean and Jeannie Theel, who live about 40 miles North of Fairbanks in Nenana. When we got to the Theel's we set up housekeeping in their driveway and sat by their creek with a nice cool glass of iced tea. We couldn't believe that the Interior of Alaska is like a "Green Desert". The weather is hot and dry, the temperature the 3 days we visited were in the high 70's or low 80's with hardly a cloud in the sky.
Dean, Roger & Jeannie sitting next to the creek |
Side view of Theel's "Cabin" |
Bridge over Little Goldstream Creek |
We went for a hike in their woods and Dean got us to "cut across" the creek on a little log (keep in mind that this creek is run off of a mountain stream - very cold), thank goodness I didn't fall in.
Sue, Jeannie & Dean on our walk through their woods |
I actually made it across this log without falling in! |
View of the creek from the log bridge | |
After a great breakfast that Jeannie cooked for us of, moose sausage, eggs and fresh blueberry pancakes, they asked Roger and I if we wanted to go four-wheeling. We'd never done it before, but were certainly willing to give it a whirl. We both have driven snow mobiles before and I've driven a jet ski, so how hard could it be. What fun! We went on some great dog sled trails that they also use for four-wheeling that brought us through beautiful birch forests, mud and some of the best views of the Interior you could ever ask for.
Birch Forest |
Jeannie, stuck in the mud |
Low bush Cranberries |
Dean and Jeannie's good friend and neighbor, Mary, joined us on the trail and we all headed to the Monderosa for "the best hamburger in Alaska". So, mud covered and all we went in for a bite to eat.
Mary, Sue & Roger - covered in mud! |
Sue, Roger Dean & Jeannie at the Monderosa for lunch |
What a fun day! The following day, Roger and Dean made moose sausage links and patties, polish sausage and snack sticks. Jeannie and I decided to make some homemade donuts and then head to Nenana. More about that to follow on the next post.
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