The colors are changing rapidly here in Cantwell, Alaska. We drove to Denali National Park and out the Denali Highway and it is absolutely beautiful. Now I know why the words "purple mountains majesty" are included in the song "Oh Beautiful". The Aspens first turn a bright yellow and then a few days later turn a brilliant orange. The High Bush Cranberries are turning bright red and the Black and White Spruce keep their vivid forest green. The blueberries are still plentiful and haven't turned mushy yet, so Eileen and I are still trying to get out as often as we can to pick. I even made Roger a home made blueberry pie. As most of you know, I don't eat cooked fruit; so I'll have to take his word for it that it was good (that and the fact that he ate the whole thing).
Denali National Park Tundra, Fall (August) 2011 |
Savage River Valley; Denali National Park; August (Fall) 2011 |
Denali Tundra, Fall (August) 2011 |
Roger and I have met a woman who grew up here in Cantwell and who has authored a book about her family homestead. Alicia and her husband Ron come to the RV park to take showers and do laundry while they are staying at the homestead for the summer. They spend their winters in Wyoming. Alicia invited several of the local women; including me; to her annual Fall Tea. The tea was held at her mothers' cabin not far from Alicia and Ron's. The family homestead is still in tact and consumes many many acres of land which encompasses a lake, a beautiful creek, and spectacular views of Reindeer Mountain, Mt. McKinley and the tundra.
Alicia's mothers' cabin |
Some of the local guests attending the Annual Fall Tea with Alicia (far right) |
Alicia checking on the tea |
Eileen McGurk in front of Alicia & Ron's cabin (just down the driveway from Alicia's mother's) | |
The original family homestead cache |
View from Alicia & Ron's cabin |
I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but; our refrigerator went out just before Lindsay and Tom came to visit us. We had to buy a 4 cubic foot college size one to get us by until the part for ours came in. Well, the repair shop called and the part finally came in. So on our days off this week, we headed for Fairbanks to get the fridge fixed and run errands. We arrived the night before our appointment and spent it relaxing at our favorite campground next the Chena River Bright and early the next morning we had the motor home into the shop and off we went knowing that it would take the better part of the day to get repaired.
It was my birthday Thursday and we had plans that night to have dinner with our friends, Dean and Jeannie Theel, at the Clear Sky Lodge. The lodge, which is located about 35 miles south of Theel's, is supposed to have the best steaks in Alaska. By late afternoon the RV repair shop called and told us that they wanted to keep the motor home overnight to make sure the refrigerator was operating correctly. We called Jeannie and Dean to ask if it would be OK if we spent the night with them, went over to the motor home to gather some overnight items and off we went to Jeannie and Deans. They are only about 40 miles south of Fairbanks (which is close by Alaska standards) so we were able to visit, have a little birthday cake that Jeannie was kind enough to make, and open my presents.
Clear Sky Lodge is not kidding when they say that they have the best steaks in Alaska. We all ordered the 14 oz. Rib Eye. Well, I would have to say that not only were they much bigger than 14 oz's; but they had to be the most flavorful pieces of meat I've ever had. I took the majority of mine home and even Roger had left overs. After dinner, Mary; another friend of ours and the Theel's, who came with us got the whole bar/restaurant to sing happy birthday to me. Too bad I won't be here to do the same for her when it's her birthday!
On the way back; Dean stopped at a spot where he knows of some trumpeter swans have made their home. We were able to "get up close and personal" with them. What a great way to end my birthday!
Trumpeter Swans 8-25-11 |
The evening ended with Jeannie, Mary and I playing a few games of Banana Gram. I, of course, didn't win, but we had a great time anyway.
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